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WGA Productions - Captain Marvelous
I’m back! After digging a tunnel from my front door through the massive amounts of snow dumped upon us in the wonderfully frigid state of...

The Way of Serenity: Augustine
Hello and welcome again to The Way of Serenity! These segments are going to be a bit loose on the format and formality. In this segment,...

Tin Can: Major Tom’s Nightmare
Following my last review of a science fiction AD straight out of a Weird Tales magazine, I’m going to introduce you to a show that simply...

The Orphans: Going on a trip, in our crashing Venture ship
British Sci-fi and I are very comfortable bedfellows. Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Misfits. While Doctor Who has a plethora of ADs, they are...

Diary of a Madman: Slip into Insanity
I’ve been wanting to review this AD for some time now. I’ve refrained from doing so, only because I want this review to properly show my...

The Infinite Now: The Infinite WOW
I have vital information that will shove cause and effect into a blender and hit frappe. This information cannot be taken as anything but...

The Alexandria Archives: Ia! Ia! Wendigos!
Anyone who knows me knows I’m a big H.P. Lovecraft fan. This love has transcended his literature and found itself engrossed in board...

Neon Nights: The Arcane Files of Jack Tracer
Pulp Fiction is a big part of my life.I can’t get enough of pulp Sci-fi novels, Twilight Zone episodes, and of course Pulp Fiction Audio...

First Impressions - Point Mystic: Wonderland Incarnate
The Arts are an essential piece of the grand puzzle that is life. Absolute bliss and profound beauty can be found through expression and...

We’re Alive: A Story of Survival
It’s been several days, and after putting every available second into an all out binge on this show, I have come back to give you my...
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