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The Meat Blockade: Down the Rabbit Hole
I love to get Audio Drama recommendations. It doesn’t matter what the subject, the pace, the length, or how long it’s been around, I...

Lesser Gods: An Odyssey of Emotions
Children of Men starring Clive Owen showed us that there is hope in even the most remote odds. When the entire human population is unable...

Atlantik: The Way of Serenity #1
I wanted to have a section where I talk about audio dramas that were never finished, for one reason or another. I find that a lot of them...

The Magnus Archives: Institute of Horror
Before I begin, I would like to thank Reddit user DarkCrystal34 for their feedback on my previous reviews. Following their advice, I am...

Sayer: Say Hello to Strange
[FASD6FG4AS6FBVF3:::::BEGIN TRANSMISSION:::::A6WEG4SG6S3D2H1SW3] Hello once again, Pod-heads! Yes, I am sticking with that FUNNY name....

First Impressions: Passage
Hello once again, my fellow “Pod-heads”! Hehehe, see what I did there? PODheads, it’s like POTheads….and….yes, well. I thought I would...

King Falls AM: Tune-in and Turn-up!
I couldn’t think of a better first review than my absolute favorite podcast, King Falls AM. If you’re looking for a TL;DR version of the...
Welcome to That Daft Punk You Know Podcast Reviews!
Greetings! I am That one Daft Punk you know. You know who I'm talking about, right? The guy you remember from way back when and had a...
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